
Last reviewed 01/2018

The life-time incidence of venous leg ulceration in the UK is approximately 1%.

The point prevalence is:

  • 1-4 per 1000 of the general population
  • 25 per 1000 of those over 85 yr old

There is a sex bias in the incidence of venous leg ulceration:

  • young patients (<40 yr) with venous leg are predominantly male
  • overall the female:male ratio is 2:1

In the developed world 75-90% of chronic leg ulcers are caused by venous hypertension.

The median duration of venous ulcers is usually about 9 months.

With specialist care rates of 70% healing at 3 months are possible.

Although the incidence of chronic leg ulcer is spread evenly across different socioeconomic groups, in lower socioeconomic groups the ulcers take longer to heal and recurrence rates are higher (1).
