conditions not contraindicating vaccination

Last edited 04/2019

The following conditions are NOT contraindications to routine immunisation (in some of these situations, additional precautions may be required):

  • family history of any adverse reactions following immunisation

  • previous history of the disease (with the exception of BCG for people who have evidence of past exposure to tuberculosis)

  • contact with an infectious disease

  • premature birth

  • asthma, eczema or hay fever

  • mild self-limiting illness without fever, e.g. runny nose

  • treatment with antibiotics, topical and inhaled steroids

  • child's mother or someone in the household being pregnant

  • currently breast-feeding or being breast-fed

  • history of jaundice after birth

  • under a certain weight

  • being over the age recommended in the routine childhood immunisation

  • schedule (except rotavirus - see relevant chapter of "The Green Book")

  • personal history of febrile convulsions or epilepsy

  • close family history (parent or sibling) of febrile convulsions or epilepsy

  • recent or imminent elective surgery

  • imminent general anaesthesia

  • unknown or inadequately documented immunisation history:
  • G6PD deficiency

  • food intolerances

  • interferons and other non-immunosuppressing immunomodulators
