tremor in children - NICE guidance - suspected neurological conditions - recognition and referral

Last edited 05/2019 and last reviewed 05/2022

Tremor in children

Summary of points from NICE relating to tremor in children:

Tremor of sudden onset or with accompanying neurological signs or symptoms

  • refer urgently children presenting with tremor for neurological assessment if: they have additional neurological signs or symptoms such as unsteadiness or the onset of the tremor was sudden

Postural tremor

  • be aware that isolated postural tremor in children may be a side effect of sodium valproate or a beta-adrenergic agonist
  • consider thyroid function tests for children with postural tremor and other symptoms or signs suggestive of thyroid overactivity
  • refer children with postural tremor for occupational therapy only if the tremor is affecting activities of daily living such as writing, eating or dressing
