radial tunnel syndrome

Last reviewed 05/2023

  • condition presents with similar lateral elbow pain to lateral epicondylitis; however the site of maximal pain lies 4 finger breadths distal to the common extensor origin

  • condition is caused by entrapment of the posterior interosseus nerve within the radial tunnel
    • posterior interosseus nerve is a branch of the radial nerve. It is a pure motor nerve with no sensory component, hence - unlike other entrapment neuropathies - there is no pins and needles or sensory deficit
    • there may be weakness of digital extensors


  • radial tunnel syndrome is a clinical diagnosis and should be considered in patients presenting with resistant lateral epicondylitis
  • nerve conduction and electromyography studies have high specificity but low sensitivity


  • involves avoidance of aggravating factors and physiotherapy
  • resistant cases should be referred for surgical decompression of the radial tunnel


  1. Arthritis Research UK (2011). Hands On (11) - upper limb in primary care