hormonal therapy in postnatal depression

Last reviewed 03/2021

  • a previous systematic review suggests that progestogens are ineffective for the prevention and treatment of postnatal depression (1)

  • there is evidence that oestrogens may help some women who have postnatal depression (2)

However such treatment indications are experimental and unlicensed


  • (1) Lawrie TA, Herxheimer A, Dalton K (2000). Oestrogens and progestogens for preventing and treating postnatal depression (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2000. Oxford: Update Software. (2) Gregoire AJP, Kumar R, Everitt B, Henderson AF, Studd JWW (1996). Transdermal oestrogen for treatment of severe postnatal depression. Lancet, 347, 930-3.