lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes) in children and young people - NICE urgent cancer referral guidance

Last edited 11/2022 and last reviewed 12/2022

Lumps or masses

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Lymphadenopathy (unexplained) in children and young people Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or Hodgkin's lymphoma Consider a very urgent referral (for an appointment within 48 hours) for specialist assessment. When considering referral, take into account any associated symptoms, particularly fever, night sweats, shortness of breath, pruritus or weight loss

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Lymphadenopathy (generalised) in children and young people Leukaemia Offer a very urgent full blood count (within 48 hours)

For more details then to the CCLG guidance below:

Findings that may be associated with a cancer diagnosis in childhood

This summary is taken from the CCLG Referral guidance for suspected cancer in children and young people.

The full document can be downloaded from

Table adapted from: Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG). Referral guidance for suspected cancer in children and young people. UK: CCLG; 2021. Available from URL:

© CCLG 2021
