urticaria activity score

Last edited 02/2023 and last reviewed 03/2023

The Urticaria Activity Score (UAS) is a composite score of itch severity and hive count

The Urticaria Activity Score (UAS) is a commonly used diary-based patient-reported outcome (PRO) measure that assesses the key sign (hives) and symptom (itch) of CSU (chronic spontaneous urticaria) (1)

  • two versions of the daily UAS exist
    • 1) assesses the number of hives and the intensity of itch twice daily (every 12 h), and
    • 2) assesses hive number and itch intensity once daily (every 24 h)

  • both versions can generate a weekly score (UAS7), calculated as the sum of the daily number of hives score and the itch severity score over 7 days. UAS7 values range from 0 to 42, with higher values reflecting higher disease activity

  • the UAS7 is the sum of the average daily UAS over 7 days

  • after 7 days, average daily scores from the morning and evening assessments are added together

  • values can range between 0 to 21 for weekly itch severity, and 0 to 21 for weekly hive count

  • the UAS7 ranges from 0 to 42

Once Daily UAS:

UAS once-daily version: daily scoring for itch and hives

Itch Severity Score Itch Severity Hive Severity Score Number of Hives per 24 hours
0 None 0 None
1 Mild (present but not annoying or troublesome) 1 <20
2 Moderate (troublesome but does not interfere with normal daily activity or sleep) 2 20-50
3 Intense (interferes with normal daily activity or sleep) 3 >50
  • with the daily UAS7, the person records the severity of itching and the number of weals daily for 7 days. A score of less than 7 in 1 week indicates control of disease, whereas a score of  more than 28 per week indicates severe disease

Click here for an editable version of the UAS7 calculator


  • study evidence showed that once- and twice-daily UAS7 scores were highly consistent, supporting the use of either version when evaluating CSU activity (1)
