classification of status epilepticus

Last reviewed 01/2018

Classification of status epilepticus (SE)

SE can be divided according to semiology, duration and underlying aetiology (1).

The most commonly used is the semiologic classification  

  • convulsive status epilepticus (CSE)
    • generalized convulsive SE (GCSE) - the most common type of SE
  • nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE)
    • absence SE
    • simple partial SE (SPSE)
    • complex partial SE (CPSE)
    • subtle SE (2)

  • refractory SE (RSE) (1,2,3)


  • it is important to remember that GCSE and NCSE may be part of a continuum since there is a possibility that persistent or partially treated GCSE may evolve in to NCSE (4) 
