
Last reviewed 01/2018

Gonorrhoea is the second most common bacterial STI in the UK after genital chlamydia (1)

  • there were 18,000 cases in the UK in 1989.
  • the highest incidence is reported in the 15-29 years age group
    • current rates are highest in males aged 20-24 years and in females aged 16-19 years.
  • highest rates are found in London and predominantly urban areas (1)
  • ethnic minority groups and men who have sex with men (MSM) carry a disproportionate burden of disease (2).
    • in 2010, there were around 4500 diagnoses of gonorrhoea in MSM (3)

A 11% drop in the total number of new gonorrhoea diagnoses (from 18,649 to 16,629) has been reported between 2007 and 2008. This is the lowest since 1999 (4).
However, according to the Health Protection Agency report on the incidence of gonorrhoea in 2008–2009

  • the total number of newly diagnosed gonorrhoea in the UK increased by 6%, from 16,451 cases in 2008 to 17,385 cases in 2009 (this increase is thought to be due to the use of more sensitive molecular diagnostic tests)
  • 50% of the people who attended the GUM clinics who had gonorrhoea were young people aged less than 25 years (5)
