protein (causes of increased and reduced levels)
Last reviewed 01/2018
Causes of reduced protein levels include:
- nutritional deficiency
- malabsorption
- kwashiorkor
- marasmus
- decreased or ineffective protein synthesis
- severe liver disease
- agammaglobulinaemia
- increased protein loss
- renal e.g. nephrotic syndrome
- GI disease e.g. protein-losing enteropathies, surgical resection
- severe skin diseasee.g. burns, pemphigus vulgaris
- increased catabolism e.g. fever, hyperthyroidism, malignancy, inflammation, chronic diseases
- dilutional e.g. IV fluids, water intoxication, syndrome of inappropriate ADH
Causes of increased protein levels include:
- hypergammaglobulinaemis (mono- or polyclonal)
- hypovolaemic states