
Last reviewed 01/2018

  • predominantly occurs in patients over 50 years old with a peak incidence in the UK of 22.9 per 10 000 patient-years in the age range of 70–79 years (1)
  • incidence of PMR
    • varies, from a low of 12.7/100 000 in northern Spain, to a high of 112/100 000 in Norway (1)
    • in the UK, it has been shown to be 8.42 per 10 000 person years (2)
  • lifetime risk has been estimated at 2.4% for women and 1.7% for men (1)
  • in UK, a full-time GP working in a practice with a list size of 10 000 patients can expect five cases of PMR per year (1)
  • more common in Caucasians, especially those of Scandinavian extraction
  • association with HLA-DR4
  • association between malignancy and PMR has been recognized (3)
