metronidazole and alcohol

Last reviewed 01/2018

Metronidazole inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase and causes acetaldehyde to accummulate in the bloodstream. A disulfiram like reaction occurs when consuming alcohol and the patient may complain of symptoms such as facial flushing, throbbing headache and palpitations. A patient taking metronidazole orally should abstain from drinking alcohol while taking metronidazole and for 48 hours after stopping it.

Uncommonly, reactions have been reported whilst using vaginal metronidazole.


  • Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin (1996), Drugs and alcohol: harmful cocktails?, 34 (5), 36-8.
  • Plosker GL (1987), Possible interaction between ethanol and vaginally administered metronidazole, Clin Pharm, 6, 189-93.