laboratory findings

Last reviewed 05/2021

  • erythrocytes:
    • moderate to severe, normochromic, normocytic anaemia
    • marked variations in cell size and shape
    • elongated, teardrop-shaped erythrocytes (poikilocytes)
    • nucleated red cells may be present

  • leukoerythroblastosis:
    • immature myeloid and erythroid cells

  • platelets:
    • the platelet count is variable
    • thrombocytopaenia develops as the disease progresses
    • giant platelets are common
    • fragments of megakaryocytes may be present

  • leukocytes:
    • the white cell count is variable, and may be massively elevated
    • a left shifted picture with few immature forms
    • basophils are common

  • bone marrow:
    • there is often a dry tap, requiring a trephine biopsy
    • in the early stages, the marrow is hypercellular with a marked increase in megakaryocytes
    • later, diffuse fibrosis obliterates normal myeloid elements

  • leukocyte alkaline phosphatase is elevated

  • erythropoiesis in spleen may be shown by Fe-59 scan