clinical features

Last reviewed 01/2018

Parkinsonism usually occurs in subjects over 40 years of age.

The symptoms and signs associated with parkinsonism include (1):

    • hypokinesia ( poverty of movement)
    • bradykinesia (slowness of movement)
    • rigidity
    • rest tremor

The clinical features of parkinsonism are often initially unilateral. They may present as :

  • coarse tremor present at rest
  • pill-rolling movements
  • cogwheel rigidity
  • slowness of movement
  • speech is typically monotonous, soft, faint, and lacking intonation
  • expressionless face; dribbling
  • small writing is characteristic - micrographia
  • shuffling parkinsonian gait - festination
  • oculogyric crises - forced upward deviation of the eyes - may occur in post-encephalitic or drug-induced parkinsonism
