clinical features

Last reviewed 01/2018

The clinical features of genital herpes includes:

Local symptoms on day 0, after incubation:

  • itch and tingling
  • redness
  • vesicle formation

By day 8 or 9:

  • pustule developing into a wet ulcer
  • dysuria - ulcers are exquisitely painful, and retention of urine may result (this may be exacerbated by a sacral radiculomyelitis)
  • vaginal / urethral discharge
  • inguinal lymphadenopathy
  • HSV pharyngitis in 10% of oral cases
  • systemic features:
    • headache
    • myalgia
    • general malaise
    • urinary retention, constipation

From day 10:

  • healing with crusting, complete by day 14
  • may get a second crop