clinical features

Last reviewed 08/2021


Typical patient will present with the following complains:

  • sudden onset of pain in the posterior aspect of the foot and ankle or  feeling a sudden painful blow to the heel
    • the patient may describe the sensation as been kicked or hit on the back of the heel tendon by a ball or racquet
  • sometimes accompanied by an audible snap
  • occurs during physical activity which requires forceful plantar flexion (1,2)

Patients may complain of a residual calf ache, mild bruising, swelling, and a weakness in “pushing off” with the affected foot (2).

On examination, there is swelling, tenderness and bruising around the tendon. At the point of maximal tenderness, a defect may be felt. Frequently, this occurs at about 5 cm above the insertion of the Achilles tendon.
