type 2

Last reviewed 01/2018

Type II is characterized by:

  • mesangial cell proliferation
  • electon-dense, linear deposits intramembranous deposits that usually stain for C3 only
  • C3 levels are reduced whilst C4 levels remain within the normal range - often associated with C3 nephritic factor, which causes alternative pathway complement activation (low C3 with normal C4)
  • recurs in transplants
  • light microscopy
    • enlarged glomeruli
    • lobulated due to mesangial cell proliferation
    • double contour basement membrane
  • E.M.
    • characteristic dense ribbon like deposits in lamina densa
  • immunofluorescence: C3 outlines glomerular B.M.

There is an association between mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis and partial lipodystrophy; typically a female patient will have little subcutaneous adipose tissue above the waist.