life threatening asthma in general practice

Last reviewed 01/2018

On assessment:

  • PEF < 33% of predicted or best
  • SpO2 <92%
  • silent chest, cyanosis or poor respiratory effort
  • arrhythmia or hypotension
  • exhaustion, altered consciousness


  • arrange immediate ADMISSION to hospital
  • stay with the patient until the ambulance arrives


  • oxygen -  to maintain SpO2 94–98%
  • β2 bronchodilator and ipratropium:
    • nebuliser (preferably oxygen driven) (salbutamol 5 mg and ipratropium 0.5mg)
    • or via spacer (give 4 puffs initially and give a further 2 puffs every 2 minutes according to response up to maximum of 10 puffs)
  • prednisolone 40–50 mg or IV hydrocortisone 100 mg immediately

Follow up after treatment or discharge from hospital:

  • GP review within 2 working days
  • monitor symptoms and PEF
  • check inhaler technique
  • provide a written asthma plan
  • modify treatment according to guidelines for chronic persistent asthma
  • address potentially preventable contributors to admission
