tizanidine in the treatment of spasticity

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • related to clonidine

  • it is thought to work via the stimulation of pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenoreceptors, and the enhancement of noradrenergic inhibition of polysynaptic reflexes

  • there is evidence that tizanidine reduces the frequency of muscle spasms and reduces spastic muscle tone - however there was no diminition in muscle strength (1)

  • the most common side effects of tizanidine are dry mouth, drowsiness and subjective muscle weakness - however muscle weakness (objective and subjective) is less common than with treatment with diazepam or baclofen


  • 1) Wallace JD (1994). Summary of combined analysis of controlled clinical trials with tizanidine. Neurology 44 (Suppl 9), s60-9.