
Last reviewed 01/2018

All femoral hernias including asymptomatic ones must be repaired without delay because of the risk of strangulation of abdominal contents in the canal. The use of a truss is dangerous; it is difficult to fit and increases the risk of strangulation of the contents. Immediate relocation of a clearly reducible hernia is only advisable as a holding measure while preparations are made for operation.

There are several operative approaches which are dealt with in the submenu:

  • abdominal, suprapubic or extraperitoneal approach
  • inguinal or 'high' approach
  • crural or 'low' approach
  • transperitoneal approach

None of these suffices for all circumstances, but all have the aim of:

  • reduction or excision of the hernial sac
  • reinforcement of the femoral canal

A general system for pre-operative preparation is described in the submenu.