
Last reviewed 01/2018

"Complicated" atheroma account for the major morbidity and mortality associated with atherosclerosis. Changes that may occur include:

  • calcification - causing brittleness and narrowing
  • ulceration and rupture - discharging cholesterol-rich micro-emboli
  • superimposed thrombosis - causing occlusion and potential embolism
  • haemorrhage into the plaque - the resultant haematoma may remain localised within the intima, or may rupture into the lumen of vessel. In small vessels, this may cause significant and sudden, occlusive ischaemia
  • aneurysmal dilation - due to pressure atrophy weakening the underlying media

These may cause:

  • ischaemic heart disease
  • heart failure - acute or chronic
  • cerebrovascular disease - TIA, CVA
  • acute renal failure