type 1 hyperlipidaemia

Last reviewed 01/2018

Type I hyperlipidaemia is hyperchylomicronaemia:

  • normal serum cholesterol
  • increased triglyceride primarily in chylomicrons
  • apo-CII deficiency or lipoprotein lipase deficiency
  • risk of atherosclerosis is thought to be slight
  • features include:
    • recessive inheritance
    • eruptive xanthomata
    • lipaemia retinalis
    • acute pancreatitis

Note that this classification as a type I hyperlipidaemia is a biochemical one and that a child with type I hyperlipidaemia (hyperchylomicronaemia) may develop a type V hyperlipidaemia (hyperchylomicronaemia and increased VLDL) as an adult.