mucinous ovarian tumours

Last reviewed 01/2018

These account for 15-20% of ovarian tumours. They can attain a huge size, often filling the entire pelvis and abdomen. They are often multilocular and contain viscid mucin. These tumours may rupture and cause pseudomyxoma peritonei (see linked item).

Benign mucinous cystadenoma:

  • about 80% of mucinous ovarian tumours
  • 20-25% of all benign ovarian neoplasms
  • bilateral in 5-10% of cases
  • peak incidence between 30-50 years of age
  • 100% 10 year survival

Borderline mucinous cystadenoma:

  • about 10% of mucinous ovarian tumours
  • bilateral in 10% of cases
  • 60% 10 year survival

Malignant mucinous cystadenocarcinoma:

  • about 10% of mucinous ovarian tumours
  • uncommon - 5-10% of primary malignant ovarian neoplasms
  • bilateral in 15-30% of cases
  • peak incidence between 40-70 years of age
  • 34% 10 year survival